Saturday, March 21, 2009

ispirational message....

Have you ever had a bad day???

Ok!not just a bad day, but one of those days when you're sure that staying in bed

would've been much better option. The kind of day when everything goes wrong...from

the moment you wake up until you climb back under your covers at night.

it seems like those days can't end enough. All you want to do is crawl into a hole,

hide from the world, and wait for tomorrow to arrive.

Have you ever had one of those days???

on a day like that, the words " I LOVE YOU" or " I UNDERSTAND YOU" are priceless.

They help soothe the ache and remind us that we're not alone. And when a friend

reaches out to give you hug, it may be just a touch need to make it to the next

moment. We have a God who whispers those precious words to us every day.


A God who reaches out to embrace us and hold us close through the toughest of times...

May God Bless us....

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