Sunday, March 22, 2009


Life is full of surprises but not all them good..
the unexpected can be scary..there is the trauma of pop quiz, the sinking feelings of a phone call bringing bad news, or the ache of the broken heart when a treasured relationship suddenly ends.
But there are good surprise too. Everyone enjoys a good joke, a letter from an old friend that makes you smile, or a good grade on the test you thought you'd bombed..
We don't know what tomorrow will bring or what surprises are in store..that's why we call them SURPRISES...
And...while you don't have control over the unexpected in your own life, you do have the power of surprise someone else.
You have ability to make someone's day special and memorable.
Be the bearer of a pleasant surprise.
Make someone laugh or help somebody smile...
A simple note or quick call could be just what they need..
Give the gift of a surprise to someone you know today..
Who knows when someone might give one back to you?????

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